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  • August 4, 2021

    The Best Digital Pianos for Beginners 2021 - Fair Deal Music's Top 5!

    Are you looking to buy your first digital piano? Over at Fair Deal Music we understand that this can be a daunting task, so we’ve asked our Piano Department for their expert opinion on all things pianos and keys, bringing you their favourite beginner digital pianos to get you hitting the right note straight from the get-go. We’ve compiled a list of our top 5 digital pianos below to make choosing your first instrument a little bit easier. We stock leading brands such as Yamaha, Roland and Casio and each instrument has its own merits and innovative features – all at a very Fair Deal Price.

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  • What is the best Mini guitar amp this Christmas?
    August 12, 2020

    What is the best Mini guitar amp this Christmas?

    What is the best Mini guitar amp this Christmas? ‘Stocking Rockers’ It’s that time of year again. We all hope to be surrounded by our loved ones, mulled wine in hand, singing hymns with guitar accompaniment (through a Marshall JTM45...

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    August 12, 2020


    We’re giving away a beautiful Yamaha YDP-144 Digital Piano! To enter, head down to Birmingham New Street Grand Central Train Station and find our white Yamaha Grand Piano located on the main concourse by Pret a Manager and do the...

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  • Ribbon Mics: From the bedroom to the Pro Studio
    August 12, 2020

    Ribbon Mics: From the bedroom to the Pro Studio

    Ribbon Mics: From the bedroom to the Pro Studio The Ribbon microphone, unlike the more common moving coil, is a microphone that uses a thin strip of conductive metal held between the two poles of a magnet. Commonly made of...

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