Marshall Unisex Script Logo Hoodie Black
If you are a teenager and have never purchased a hoodie then your teenage is somewhat incomplete. The majority of people who wear a hoodie are from teenage and early twenties. They reflect the teenage devil-may-care attitude. Quite a staple item in many people’s closets, the hoodie is perfect for convenience wear. You can just chill out anywhere, whether at home or with friends in a zip-up hoodie, wear a t-shirt underneath and look ever-so-stylish.
It isn’t a fact that only people in their 20s can wear the hoodie. The hoodie has found fans among people of all ages and many celebrities proudly flaunt their sweatshirts and hoodies when going about completing house chores or just hanging out with friends.
Hoodies have a long and kind of a tough history in the United Kingdom. It is similar to what 18-to 24-year-olds go through with their families during their teenage years.
What are Hoodies?
Hoodies are quite versatile and comfortable clothing which are famous with the younger set of people but it has been seen that people of all ages wear them. They can be pullovers or zip up hoodies with a characteristic hood which is its defining attribute Hoodies also have large frontal pockets along with drawstrings that enable the wearer to adjust the hood opening.
Hoodies: A History
A lot of people don’t know but hoodies date back to the time around the Middle Ages. Catholic monks wore it as clothing. If you look carefully at the monk's clothing, you’d be able to see a lot of similarities in the cowl design. Cowl is the term used to describe the decorative hood that Catholic monks wear over their heads accompanied by tunics or robes.
The hoodie that is famous wildly among the urban crowd now was first worn by labourers of New York during the 1930s. These labourers worked in frozen warehouses so it kept them warm.
Later, American fashion designers popularized the hoodie in the USA and other markets by designing whole collections based on the hood design. During the 1970s, hoodies got even more popular than ever.
Hoodie became synonymous with the hip-hop culture that picked up popularity along New York streets. Hip-hop lovers and singers loved the anonymity that the hood gave and thus embraced the fashion. Movies like Rocky further popularized the hoodie.
Hoodies and the UK
Hoodies made their appearance in the UK as hip-hop culture went mainstream.
A scholar even mentioned that the hoodie is kind of like a symbol of rebellion akin to the leather jacket, leather trousers that the past youth cultures embraced.
In May 2005, the hoodie earned some notoriety as a Kent shopping center “Bluewater” banned people wearing hoodies from the premises. As Prime Minister Tony Blair showed support for the anti-hoodie call, people showed their outrage.
Lady Sovereign even wrote the song "Hoodie" to mock the anti-hoodie call and protest against it.
Now hoodies are back in fashion and loved and cherished by many across the world as an ultimate convenient fashion item. And our Marshall Unisex Script Logo Hoodie Black offers the perfect symbolism for a music fan.