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原声吉他就像美酒,越陈越醇。没有什么比在实木面板原声吉他上进行开放式 G 调弦更能摆脱蜘蛛网的了。从历史上看,在吉他放大器出现之前,原声吉他需要在人们的房间内投射。这就是不同形状的原声吉他的来源。由 CF Martin 在 1900 年代早期设计的无畏舰形状得名于英国皇家海军的一艘舰船。专为最强大的战列舰 HMS Dreadnought 而保留的名称。酷吧?我只能想象它是以此命名的,因为它的尺寸很大,因此能够在整个房间内以良好的音量投射。如今,在内置拾音系统的帮助下,原声吉他可以是任何形状和大小,可以在挤满人的体育场演奏。看看下面我们种类繁多的原声吉他。
Acoustic Guitars
  • Fender California Series Redondo Player in Aged Cognac Burst, Ex Display - Fair Deal Music
    Fender California Series Redondo Player in Aged Cognac Burst, Ex Display - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £399.00
    原价 £399.00 - 原价 £399.00
    原价 £399.00
    时价 £299.00
    £299.00 - £299.00
    时价 £299.00

    Fender California 系列 Redondo Player 在陈年干邑中爆裂,Ex Display

    这是一把 Ex Display 吉他,状况良好,除了拍摄的琴体侧面有一个小瑕疵。如需更多信息,请致电 0121 643 1685 或发送电子邮件至 Gui...

    原价 £399.00
    原价 £399.00 - 原价 £399.00
    原价 £399.00
    时价 £299.00
    £299.00 - £299.00
    时价 £299.00
  • Fender Paramount PS-220E Parlor Guitar without case, Natural - Fair Deal Music
    Fender Paramount PS-220E Parlor Guitar without case, Natural - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £679.00
    原价 £679.00 - 原价 £679.00
    原价 £679.00
    时价 £399.00
    £399.00 - £399.00
    时价 £399.00

    Fender Paramount PS-220E 客厅,自然色

    Paramount PS-220E 结合了最先进的工艺和复古风格的约会,提供两全其美的服务。 PS-220E 可选择实心云杉木或实心桃花心木面板搭配实心桃...

    原价 £679.00
    原价 £679.00 - 原价 £679.00
    原价 £679.00
    时价 £399.00
    £399.00 - £399.00
    时价 £399.00
  • Fender CD-140SCE Electro Acoustic Guitar with Case, Natural - Fair Deal Music
    Fender CD-140SCE Electro Acoustic Guitar with Case, Natural - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £345.00
    原价 £345.00 - 原价 £345.00
    原价 £345.00
    时价 £320.00
    £320.00 - £320.00
    时价 £320.00

    Fender CD-140SCE SB电声吉他

    Fender CD-140SCE SB,原声钢吉他,经典设计的 dreadnought 琴体形状,带有缺角,实心云杉面板,扇贝形 x 音梁,玫瑰木背侧板。...

    原价 £345.00
    原价 £345.00 - 原价 £345.00
    原价 £345.00
    时价 £320.00
    £320.00 - £320.00
    时价 £320.00
  • Fender CD-140SCE Electro Acoustic Guitar All Mahogany with Case - Fair Deal Music
    Fender CD-140SCE Electro Acoustic Guitar All Mahogany with Case - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £345.00
    原价 £345.00 - 原价 £345.00
    原价 £345.00
    时价 £319.00
    £319.00 - £319.00
    时价 £319.00

    Fender CD-140SCE SB电声吉他

    Fender CD-140SCE SB,原声钢吉他,经典设计的 dreadnought 琴体形状,带有缺角,实心云杉面板,扇贝形 x 音梁,玫瑰木背侧板。...

    原价 £345.00
    原价 £345.00 - 原价 £345.00
    原价 £345.00
    时价 £319.00
    £319.00 - £319.00
    时价 £319.00
  • Fender California Series Malibu Player, Fiesta Red - Fair Deal Music
    Fender California Series Malibu Player, Fiesta Red - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £299.00 - 原价 £299.00
    £299.00 - £299.00
    时价 £299.00

    Fender California Series Malibu Player, Fiesta Red

    Inspired by the iconic designs of Fender electric guitars, California Player...

    原价 £299.00 - 原价 £299.00
    £299.00 - £299.00
    时价 £299.00
  • Fender USA Select Kingman V, USED - Fair Deal Music
    Fender USA Select Kingman V, USED - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £1,199.00 - 原价 £1,199.00
    £1,199.00 - £1,199.00
    时价 £1,199.00

    Fender USA Select Kingman V, USED

    The Fender Kingman USA Select is a remarkable non-cutaway dreadnought acoust...

    原价 £1,199.00 - 原价 £1,199.00
    £1,199.00 - £1,199.00
    时价 £1,199.00
  • Fender CD-60S Acoustic Guitar - Solid Top, Exotic Dao - Fair Deal Music
    Fender CD-60S Exotic Dao Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £229.00
    原价 £229.00 - 原价 £229.00
    原价 £229.00
    时价 £149.00
    £149.00 - £149.00
    时价 £149.00

    Fender CD-60S Acoustic Guitar - Solid Top, Exotic Dao

    Those beginning their guitar journey will fall in love with Fender's CD60S! ...

    原价 £229.00
    原价 £229.00 - 原价 £229.00
    原价 £229.00
    时价 £149.00
    £149.00 - £149.00
    时价 £149.00
  • Fender CD-60 Acoustic Guitar in Limited Edition Cherry - Fair Deal Music
    Fender CD-60 Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar in Cherry, Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £159.00
    原价 £159.00 - 原价 £159.00
    原价 £159.00
    时价 £105.00
    £105.00 - £105.00
    时价 £105.00

    Fender CD-60 Acoustic Guitar in Limited Edition Cherry

    Introducing the Fender CD60, a cornerstone of musical excellence designed for...

    原价 £159.00
    原价 £159.00 - 原价 £159.00
    原价 £159.00
    时价 £105.00
    £105.00 - £105.00
    时价 £105.00
  • Fender FA-230E Concert Acoustic Guitar, Shell Pink - Fair Deal Music
    Fender FA-230E Concert Acoustic Guitar, Shell Pink - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £259.00
    原价 £259.00 - 原价 £259.00
    原价 £259.00
    时价 £149.00
    £149.00 - £149.00
    时价 £149.00

    Fender FA-230E Concert Acoustic Guitar, Shell Pink

    Visually stunning the FA230E offers legendary Fender sound at a budget friend...

    原价 £259.00
    原价 £259.00 - 原价 £259.00
    原价 £259.00
    时价 £149.00
    £149.00 - £149.00
    时价 £149.00
  • Fender Limited Edition FA-325CE Dreadnought Guitar, Dao Exotic, 3-Colour Sunburst - Fair Deal Music
    Fender Limited Edition FA-325CE Dreadnought Guitar, Dao Exotic, 3-Colour Sunburst - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £370.00
    原价 £370.00 - 原价 £370.00
    原价 £370.00
    时价 £199.00
    £199.00 - £199.00
    时价 £199.00

    Fender Limited Edition FA-325CE Dreadnought Guitar, Dao Exotic, 3-Colour Sunburst

    An instrument that sounds as good as it looks, the FA325CE offers legendary F...

    原价 £370.00
    原价 £370.00 - 原价 £370.00
    原价 £370.00
    时价 £199.00
    £199.00 - £199.00
    时价 £199.00
  • Fender Paramount PS-220E Parlor Guitar, Cedar Top, Ex-display - Fair Deal Music
    Fender Paramount PS-220E Parlor Guitar, Cedar Top, Ex-display - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £649.00
    原价 £649.00 - 原价 £649.00
    原价 £649.00
    时价 £329.00
    £329.00 - £329.00
    时价 £329.00

    Fender Paramount PS-220E Parlor Guitar, Cedar Top, Ex-display

    Display Models without the hardcase, if you would like to purchase a hardcase...

    原价 £649.00
    原价 £649.00 - 原价 £649.00
    原价 £649.00
    时价 £329.00
    £329.00 - £329.00
    时价 £329.00
  • Fender Redondo Classic, Aged Cognac Burst Ex Display - Fair Deal Music
    Fender Redondo Classic, Aged Cognac Burst Ex Display - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £679.00
    原价 £679.00 - 原价 £679.00
    原价 £679.00
    时价 £379.00
    £379.00 - £379.00
    时价 £379.00

    Fender Redondo Classic, Aged Cognac Burst

    Bold and brash, the sound of this dreadnought acoustic was designed to insp...

    原价 £679.00
    原价 £679.00 - 原价 £679.00
    原价 £679.00
    时价 £379.00
    £379.00 - £379.00
    时价 £379.00
  • Fender Highway Series Parlor Natural, Ex Display - Fair Deal Music
    Fender Highway Series Parlor Natural, Ex Display - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £949.00
    原价 £949.00 - 原价 £949.00
    原价 £949.00
    时价 £629.00
    £629.00 - £629.00
    时价 £629.00

    Fender Highway Series Parlor Natural, Ex Display

    At the intersection of time-honoured acoustic guitar craft and relentless inn...

    原价 £949.00
    原价 £949.00 - 原价 £949.00
    原价 £949.00
    时价 £629.00
    £629.00 - £629.00
    时价 £629.00
  • Fender CD-60 Dreadnought With Case, Black, Open Box - Fair Deal Music
    Fender CD-60 Dreadnought With Case, Black, Open Box - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £159.00 - 原价 £159.00
    £159.00 - £159.00
    时价 £159.00

    Fender CD-60 Dreadnought With Case, Black, Open Box

    Please Note: This item is Open Box stock. It is in Excellent condition. Hard...

    原价 £159.00 - 原价 £159.00
    £159.00 - £159.00
    时价 £159.00
  • Fender Redondo Classic, Aged Cognac Burst Ex Display - Fair Deal Music
    Fender Redondo Classic, Aged Cognac Burst Ex Display - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £679.00
    原价 £679.00 - 原价 £679.00
    原价 £679.00
    时价 £355.00
    £355.00 - £355.00
    时价 £355.00

    Fender Redondo Classic, Aged Cognac Burst Ex Display

    Bold and brash, the sound of this dreadnought acoustic was designed to insp...

    原价 £679.00
    原价 £679.00 - 原价 £679.00
    原价 £679.00
    时价 £355.00
    £355.00 - £355.00
    时价 £355.00
  • Fender Tim Armstrong Hellcat-12 String - Fair Deal Music
    Fender Tim Armstrong Hellcat-12 String - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £429.00 - 原价 £429.00
    £429.00 - £429.00
    时价 £429.00

    Fender Tim Armstrong Hellcat-12 String

    Well known as the Grammy-winning founder of influential U.S. punk band Rancid...

    原价 £429.00 - 原价 £429.00
    £429.00 - £429.00
    时价 £429.00
  • Fender Villager 12-String Acoustic - Fair Deal Music
    Fender Villager 12-String Acoustic - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £439.00 - 原价 £439.00
    £439.00 - £439.00
    时价 £439.00

    Fender Villager 12-String Acoustic

    Inspired by the iconic designs of Fender electric guitars, California Player ...

    原价 £439.00 - 原价 £439.00
    £439.00 - £439.00
    时价 £439.00
  • Fender CC-140SCE WN Concert Electro-Acoustic in Sunburst, with Case - Fair Deal Music
    Fender CC-140SCE WN Concert Electro-Acoustic in Sunburst, with Case - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £369.00 - 原价 £369.00
    £369.00 - £369.00
    时价 £369.00

    Fender CC-60S 森伯斯特音乐会尺寸原声吉他

    Fender CC-60S 是适合初学者的理想民谣吉他。 CC-60S 具有舒适的设计和平衡的音色,价格实惠,物超所值。 概述: CC-60S 具有 C...

    原价 £369.00 - 原价 £369.00
    £369.00 - £369.00
    时价 £369.00
  • Fender Limited Edition Buck Owens Kingman with Case, Red White and Blue - Fair Deal Music
    Fender Limited Edition Buck Owens Kingman with Case, Red White and Blue - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £779.00 - 原价 £779.00
    £779.00 - £779.00
    时价 £779.00

    Fender Limited Edition Buck Owens Kingman with Case, Red White and Blue

    The limited edition Buck Owens Kingman pays homage to one of country music’...

    原价 £779.00 - 原价 £779.00
    £779.00 - £779.00
    时价 £779.00
  • Fender CD-60S Exotic Dao Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Fender CD-60S Exotic Dao Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £210.00
    原价 £210.00 - 原价 £210.00
    原价 £210.00
    时价 £179.00
    £179.00 - £179.00
    时价 £179.00

    Fender CD-60S Exotic Dao Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar Bundle

    Everything you need to get setup and playing. Start your own guitar journey, ...

    原价 £210.00
    原价 £210.00 - 原价 £210.00
    原价 £210.00
    时价 £179.00
    £179.00 - £179.00
    时价 £179.00
  • Fender CD-60 Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar in Cherry, Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Fender CD-60 Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar in Cherry, Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £160.00
    原价 £160.00 - 原价 £160.00
    原价 £160.00
    时价 £129.00
    £129.00 - £129.00
    时价 £129.00

    Fender CD-60 Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar in Cherry, Bundle

    Everything you need to get setup and playing. Start your own guitar journey, ...

    原价 £160.00
    原价 £160.00 - 原价 £160.00
    原价 £160.00
    时价 £129.00
    £129.00 - £129.00
    时价 £129.00