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Martin SC-13E 可以说是该公司自创建无畏舰以来最重要的版本。 SC-13E 凭借其偏移的切角形状和创新的 Sure Align 琴颈接头,是公...
查看完整细节X 系列是进入全尺寸马丁吉他世界的切入点。 DC-X1E 采用桃花心木图案高压层压板体 (HPL) 和 Fishman MX 电子设备,以更实惠的价格提...
查看完整细节00010E 是真正的电声全明星。它是 Martin 经济实惠的实木礼堂吉他之一,具有巧妙的传统外观和适用于录音室和家庭的音色。 概述: 身体的顶部、背...
查看完整细节不要低估小马丁。它的实际尺寸可能较小,但在其他许多部门中仍然很大!缩小的尺寸使其成为理想的旅行伴侣,或者是刚开始电声之旅的学生的切入点。 概述: LX1...
查看完整细节Junior Dreadnought 的大号 Dreadnought 声音略小,在不牺牲音色或音量的情况下提供舒适性和可玩性。凭借从实木结构到四分之一英寸...
查看完整细节很难从小琴体声学中获得大音调。另一方面,马丁有能力这样做。 000 Junior 是一款迷你礼堂风格的原声吉他,能够发出来自著名吉他制琴师的温暖、强劲的声...
查看完整细节虽然其传统美学会吸引老式马丁爱好者,但 D-X1E 确实具有一些现代风格。 D-X1E 由带有 Koa 图案的 HPL(高压层压板)制成,具有坚固的机身...
查看完整细节The Martin Standard Series OM-21 Left-Handed is a finely crafted acoustic gui...
查看完整细节The Martin D-15M StreetMaster acoustic guitar is a remarkable instrument tha...
查看完整细节The remastered X Series is made to play. The acoustic-electric GPC-X1E Black ...
查看完整细节The remastered X Series is made to play. The 0-X2E Cocobolo is a small body a...
查看完整细节The remastered X Series is made to play. The 00-X2E Cocobolo is a smaller bod...
查看完整细节The remastered X Series is made to play. The acoustic-electric 000-X2E Brazil...
查看完整细节The remastered X Series is made to play. The acoustic-electric D-X2E features...
查看完整细节The remastered X Series is made to play. The acoustic-electric D-X2E features...
查看完整细节The remastered X Series is made to play. The acoustic-electric D-X2E Brazilia...
查看完整细节The remastered X Series is made to play. The acoustic-electric GPC-X2E featur...
查看完整细节The remastered X Series is made to play. The acoustic-electric GPC-X2E featur...
查看完整细节The Martin LXM is a compact and lightweight acoustic guitar that delivers imp...
查看完整细节The Martin J-40 2021 is a premium acoustic guitar that showcases Martin's ren...
查看完整细节The Martin OM-42 is a highly sought-after orchestra model guitar, celebrated ...
查看完整细节The Martin 000-28EC Eric Clapton signature model is a beautifully crafted aco...