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The 12-string version of our Roto Pinks super light electric guitar strings. ...
查看完整细节The 12-string version of Roto Yellows regular electric guitar strings. Rotoso...
查看完整细节The Jumbo King acoustic guitar strings are known for their superb tone, clari...
查看完整细节The Jumbo King acoustic guitar strings are known for their superb tone, clari...
查看完整细节Ideal for classical and flamenco styles, Rotosound Superia guitar strings are...
查看完整细节Set of 3 John Mayer Silver Slinky strings in a shiny storage tin. Mayer's Cho...
查看完整细节Mayer's Choice, Your Voice. Silver Slinky Strings are the result of an extrao...
查看完整细节Augustine Classic Blue strings provide stunning warmth and softness. The tone...
查看完整细节Martin Authentic Acoustic Superior Performance SP strings feature higher tens...
查看完整细节Elixir Nanoweb Acoustic Guitar strings have a special coating to shield wound...
查看完整细节Elixir Nanoweb Acoustic Guitar strings have a special coating to shield wound...
查看完整细节Elixir Nanoweb Acoustic Guitar strings have a special coating to shield wound...
查看完整细节Elixir Nanoweb Acoustic Guitar strings have a special coating to shield wound...
查看完整细节D'addario's EJ17 Phosphor Bronze strings are a medium guage. The heavier guag...
查看完整细节Silk and Steel were uniquely designed to be our warmest, mellowest acoustic g...
查看完整细节Rotosound RS77LD Jazz Bass 77 弦是一套高性能平绕式贝斯吉他弦,采用传统方式制造,可提供充满活力和明亮的音色。 Rotosou...
查看完整细节达达里奥的 EJ17 磷青铜琴弦是中号琴弦。较重的规格琴弦提供更大的音量和投影。 达达里奥磷青铜原声吉他琴弦因其卓越、持久的音色而享誉全球。 1974 年...
查看完整细节Slinky Bass 琴弦由加利福尼亚州科切拉的机器精密制造,符合最高标准和最严格的规格,以确保一致性、最佳性能和长寿命。然后将这些套装密封在...
查看完整细节ECG24 是达达里奥 (D'Addario) 最畅销的平绕琴弦规格,可提供顺滑手感、温暖/圆润音色和最佳张力的平衡,非常适合传统爵士乐、乡村摇滚、R&...
查看完整细节达达里奥的 EJ41 磷青铜琴弦是一种超轻的琴弦,张力较低,非常适合复古 12 弦吉他和演奏。 达达里奥磷青铜原声吉他琴弦因其卓越、持久的音色而享誉全球...
查看完整细节Martin SP 琴弦的设计以演奏者为中心。我们的 SP 系列琴弦采用高抗拉强度芯线制成,并采用我们最优质的缠绕线制成,经得起严格的练习和表演计划,可...
查看完整细节Martin SP Lifespan 琴弦是录音室性能的新高度。经过长期处理,它们可以抵御灰尘、砂砾和其他可以迅速改变琴弦声音的环境因素。治疗是如此之薄...
查看完整细节Martin Authentic Acoustic SP® 琴弦具有出色的调音稳定性、耐腐蚀性和出色的可玩性。 测量.013- .017- .026-...
查看完整细节Martin Authentic Acoustic SP® 琴弦具有出色的调音稳定性、耐腐蚀性和出色的可玩性。 测量.012- .016- .025-...