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在 Fair Deal Music,我们拥有该地区最大的数码钢琴和原声钢琴选择。我们的技艺高超的钢琴家和销售人员团队随时待命,随时准备帮助您找到最新的房屋。自从数码钢琴上市以来,由于其便携性和令人难以置信的真实声音,数码钢琴一直处于行业领先地位。如今,数码钢琴处于不同的水平,我们备有世界上最好的品牌。我们的陈列室拥有 Roland、Yamaha、Casio、Kawai 等品牌的完整展示。立即致电预订试用或浏览我们的网站以找到适合您的电钢琴。
Digital Pianos
  • Yamaha CLP-835WB Clavinova Digital Piano White Birch Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Yamaha CLP-835WB Clavinova Digital Piano White Birch Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,159.00
    原价 £2,159.00 - 原价 £2,159.00
    原价 £2,159.00
    时价 £1,669.00
    £1,669.00 - £1,669.00
    时价 £1,669.00

    Yamaha CLP-835WB Clavinova Digital Piano White Birch Bundle

    Yamaha branded bundle includes the following:  Yamaha CLP-835WB White Birch...

    原价 £2,159.00
    原价 £2,159.00 - 原价 £2,159.00
    原价 £2,159.00
    时价 £1,669.00
    £1,669.00 - £1,669.00
    时价 £1,669.00
  • Roland HP702-LA Digital Upright Piano Light Oak Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Roland HP702-LA Digital Upright Piano Light Oak Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £1,927.00
    原价 £1,927.00 - 原价 £1,927.00
    原价 £1,927.00
    时价 £1,679.00
    £1,679.00 - £1,679.00
    时价 £1,679.00

    Roland HP702-LA Digital Upright Piano Light Oak Bundle

    Roland HP702-LA Digital Upright Piano Bundle includes the following: Roland...

    原价 £1,927.00
    原价 £1,927.00 - 原价 £1,927.00
    原价 £1,927.00
    时价 £1,679.00
    £1,679.00 - £1,679.00
    时价 £1,679.00
  • Yamaha CLP-825PE Clavinova Digital Polished Ebony Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Yamaha CLP-825PE Clavinova Digital Polished Ebony Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,039.00
    原价 £2,039.00 - 原价 £2,039.00
    原价 £2,039.00
    时价 £1,694.00
    £1,694.00 - £1,694.00
    时价 £1,694.00

    Yamaha CLP-825PE Clavinova Digital Polished Ebony Bundle

    Yamaha branded bundle includes the following:  Yamaha CLP-825PE in Polished...

    原价 £2,039.00
    原价 £2,039.00 - 原价 £2,039.00
    原价 £2,039.00
    时价 £1,694.00
    £1,694.00 - £1,694.00
    时价 £1,694.00
  • Nord PIANO 2 88-note Stage Keyboard with Hammer Action [USED] - Fair Deal Music
    Nord PIANO 2 88-note Stage Keyboard with Hammer Action [USED] - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £1,699.00 - 原价 £1,699.00
    £1,699.00 - £1,699.00
    时价 £1,699.00

    Nord PIANO 2 88-note Stage Keyboard with Hammer Action [USED]

    This used model is on display in our showroom on Holloway Head, Birmingham Ci...

    原价 £1,699.00 - 原价 £1,699.00
    £1,699.00 - £1,699.00
    时价 £1,699.00
  • Roland HP704-CH Digital Upright Piano Charcoal Black Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Roland HP704-CH Digital Upright Piano Charcoal Black Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,131.00
    原价 £2,131.00 - 原价 £2,131.00
    原价 £2,131.00
    时价 £1,709.00
    £1,709.00 - £1,709.00
    时价 £1,709.00

    Roland HP704-CH 数码立式钢琴炭黑色

    HP704 提供您期望从高级录音室钢琴获得的风格、性能和原始声音投射。凭借其时尚、精致的箱体设计,无论您在哪里演奏,这款数码钢琴都能彰显个性——一系列的饰...

    原价 £2,131.00
    原价 £2,131.00 - 原价 £2,131.00
    原价 £2,131.00
    时价 £1,709.00
    £1,709.00 - £1,709.00
    时价 £1,709.00
  • Roland HP704-LA Digital Upright Piano Light Oak Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Roland HP704-LA Digital Upright Piano Light Oak Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,131.00
    原价 £2,131.00 - 原价 £2,131.00
    原价 £2,131.00
    时价 £1,725.00
    £1,725.00 - £1,725.00
    时价 £1,725.00

    Roland HP704-LA 数字立式钢琴浅橡木

    HP704 提供您期望从高级录音室钢琴获得的风格、性能和原始声音投射。凭借其时尚、精致的箱体设计,无论您在哪里演奏,这款数码钢琴都能彰显个性——一系列的饰...

    原价 £2,131.00
    原价 £2,131.00 - 原价 £2,131.00
    原价 £2,131.00
    时价 £1,725.00
    £1,725.00 - £1,725.00
    时价 £1,725.00
  • Yamaha CLP-835WB Clavinova Digital Piano White Birch Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Yamaha CLP-835WB Clavinova Digital Piano White Birch Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,009.00
    原价 £2,009.00 - 原价 £2,009.00
    原价 £2,009.00
    时价 £1,729.00
    £1,729.00 - £1,729.00
    时价 £1,729.00

    雅马哈 CLP-775PE Clavinova 数码钢琴抛光乌木

    GrandTouch 键盘、精细调谐的 3 路扬声器和换能器为您带来真正三角钢琴的触感和感觉。 新的 Yamaha CFX 和 Bösendorfer ...

    原价 £2,009.00
    原价 £2,009.00 - 原价 £2,009.00
    原价 £2,009.00
    时价 £1,729.00
    £1,729.00 - £1,729.00
    时价 £1,729.00
  • Roland HP704-DR Digital Upright Piano Dark Rosewood Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Roland HP704-DR Digital Upright Piano Dark Rosewood Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,131.00
    原价 £2,131.00 - 原价 £2,131.00
    原价 £2,131.00
    时价 £1,739.00
    £1,739.00 - £1,739.00
    时价 £1,739.00

    Roland HP704-DR 数码立式钢琴黑玫瑰木

    HP704 提供您期望从高级录音室钢琴获得的风格、性能和原始声音投射。凭借其时尚、精致的箱体设计,无论您在哪里演奏,这款数码钢琴都能彰显个性——一系列的饰...

    原价 £2,131.00
    原价 £2,131.00 - 原价 £2,131.00
    原价 £2,131.00
    时价 £1,739.00
    £1,739.00 - £1,739.00
    时价 £1,739.00
  • Roland HP704-WH Digital Upright Piano White Satin Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Roland HP704-WH Digital Upright Piano White Satin Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,131.00
    原价 £2,131.00 - 原价 £2,131.00
    原价 £2,131.00
    时价 £1,779.00
    £1,779.00 - £1,779.00
    时价 £1,779.00

    Roland HP704-WH 数码立式钢琴白色缎面

    HP704 提供您期望从高级录音室钢琴获得的风格、性能和原始声音投射。凭借其时尚、精致的箱体设计,无论您在哪里演奏,这款数码钢琴都能彰显个性——一系列的饰...

    原价 £2,131.00
    原价 £2,131.00 - 原价 £2,131.00
    原价 £2,131.00
    时价 £1,779.00
    £1,779.00 - £1,779.00
    时价 £1,779.00
  • Roland LX705-PE Digital Upright Piano in Polished Ebony [Refurbished by Roland] - Fair Deal Music
    Roland LX705-PE Digital Upright Piano in Polished Ebony [Refurbished by Roland] - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,834.00
    原价 £2,834.00 - 原价 £2,834.00
    原价 £2,834.00
    时价 £1,799.00
    £1,799.00 - £1,799.00
    时价 £1,799.00

    Roland LX705-PE 抛光乌木色数码立式钢琴

    LX700 系列中最实惠的型号具有四扬声器系统的卓越钢琴音色 在家中享受声学三角钢琴的震撼演奏无需花费地球。介绍罗兰 LX705。当最苛刻的钢琴家研究旗舰...

    原价 £2,834.00
    原价 £2,834.00 - 原价 £2,834.00
    原价 £2,834.00
    时价 £1,799.00
    £1,799.00 - £1,799.00
    时价 £1,799.00
  • Roland HP704-LA Digital Upright Piano Light Oak Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Roland HP704-LA Digital Upright Piano Light Oak Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,291.00
    原价 £2,291.00 - 原价 £2,291.00
    原价 £2,291.00
    时价 £1,855.00
    £1,855.00 - £1,855.00
    时价 £1,855.00

    Roland HP704-LA Digital Upright Piano Light Oak Bundle

    Roland HP704-LA Digital Upright Piano Bundle includes the following: Roland...

    原价 £2,291.00
    原价 £2,291.00 - 原价 £2,291.00
    原价 £2,291.00
    时价 £1,855.00
    £1,855.00 - £1,855.00
    时价 £1,855.00
  • Roland HP704-CH Digital Upright Piano Charcoal Black Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Roland HP704-CH Digital Upright Piano Charcoal Black Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,312.00
    原价 £2,312.00 - 原价 £2,312.00
    原价 £2,312.00
    时价 £1,859.00
    £1,859.00 - £1,859.00
    时价 £1,859.00

    Roland HP704-CH Digital Upright Piano Charcoal Black Bundle

    Roland HP704-CH Digital Upright Piano Bundle includes the following: Roland...

    原价 £2,312.00
    原价 £2,312.00 - 原价 £2,312.00
    原价 £2,312.00
    时价 £1,859.00
    £1,859.00 - £1,859.00
    时价 £1,859.00
  • Roland HP704-DR Digital Upright Piano Dark Rosewood Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Roland HP704-DR Digital Upright Piano Dark Rosewood Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,312.00
    原价 £2,312.00 - 原价 £2,312.00
    原价 £2,312.00
    时价 £1,889.00
    £1,889.00 - £1,889.00
    时价 £1,889.00

    Roland HP704-DR Digital Upright Piano Dark Rosewood Bundle

    Roland HP704-DR Digital Upright Piano Bundle includes the following: Roland ...

    原价 £2,312.00
    原价 £2,312.00 - 原价 £2,312.00
    原价 £2,312.00
    时价 £1,889.00
    £1,889.00 - £1,889.00
    时价 £1,889.00
  • Yamaha CLP-835PE Clavinova Digital Piano Polished Ebony Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Yamaha CLP-835PE Clavinova Digital Piano Polished Ebony Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,475.00
    原价 £2,475.00 - 原价 £2,475.00
    原价 £2,475.00
    时价 £1,909.00
    £1,909.00 - £1,909.00
    时价 £1,909.00

    雅马哈 CLP-775PE Clavinova 数码钢琴抛光乌木

    GrandTouch 键盘、精细调谐的 3 路扬声器和换能器为您带来真正三角钢琴的触感和感觉。 新的 Yamaha CFX 和 Bösendorfer ...

    原价 £2,475.00
    原价 £2,475.00 - 原价 £2,475.00
    原价 £2,475.00
    时价 £1,909.00
    £1,909.00 - £1,909.00
    时价 £1,909.00
  • Roland DP603-CB Digital Piano Contemporary Black - Fair Deal Music
    Roland DP603-CB Digital Piano Contemporary Black - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,298.00
    原价 £2,298.00 - 原价 £2,298.00
    原价 £2,298.00
    时价 £1,979.00
    £1,979.00 - £1,979.00
    时价 £1,979.00

    Roland DP603-CB 数码钢琴当代黑色

    适合现代生活空间的纤薄时尚数码钢琴 当您最终完善了家中的装潢后,您肯定不想用一架不合时宜的难看老式钢琴来破坏它。Roland DP603 是一款全新的数码...

    原价 £2,298.00
    原价 £2,298.00 - 原价 £2,298.00
    原价 £2,298.00
    时价 £1,979.00
    £1,979.00 - £1,979.00
    时价 £1,979.00
  • Roland LX-5-CH Digital Upright Piano Charcoal Black Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Roland LX-5-CH Digital Upright Piano Charcoal Black Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,413.00
    原价 £2,413.00 - 原价 £2,413.00
    原价 £2,413.00
    时价 £1,991.00
    £1,991.00 - £1,991.00
    时价 £1,991.00

    Roland LX-5-CH Digital Upright Piano Charcoal Black

    Approachable upright piano with a space-saving cabinet and Roland’s advanced ...

    原价 £2,413.00
    原价 £2,413.00 - 原价 £2,413.00
    原价 £2,413.00
    时价 £1,991.00
    £1,991.00 - £1,991.00
    时价 £1,991.00
  • Roland LX-5-LA Digital Upright Piano Light Oak Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Roland LX-5-LA Digital Upright Piano Light Oak Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,413.00
    原价 £2,413.00 - 原价 £2,413.00
    原价 £2,413.00
    时价 £1,995.00
    £1,995.00 - £1,995.00
    时价 £1,995.00

    Roland LX-5-LA Digital Upright Piano Light Oak

    Approachable upright piano with a space-saving cabinet and Roland’s advanced ...

    原价 £2,413.00
    原价 £2,413.00 - 原价 £2,413.00
    原价 £2,413.00
    时价 £1,995.00
    £1,995.00 - £1,995.00
    时价 £1,995.00
  • Roland LX-5-DR Digital Upright Piano Dark Rosewood Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Roland LX-5-DR Digital Upright Piano Dark Rosewood Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,413.00
    原价 £2,413.00 - 原价 £2,413.00
    原价 £2,413.00
    时价 £1,999.00
    £1,999.00 - £1,999.00
    时价 £1,999.00

    Roland LX-5-DR Digital Upright Piano Dark Rosewood

    Approachable upright piano with a space-saving cabinet and Roland’s advanced ...

    原价 £2,413.00
    原价 £2,413.00 - 原价 £2,413.00
    原价 £2,413.00
    时价 £1,999.00
    £1,999.00 - £1,999.00
    时价 £1,999.00
  • Yamaha CLP-845B Clavinova Digital Piano Black Walnut Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Yamaha CLP-845B Clavinova Digital Piano Black Walnut Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,643.00
    原价 £2,643.00 - 原价 £2,643.00
    原价 £2,643.00
    时价 £1,999.00
    £1,999.00 - £1,999.00
    时价 £1,999.00

    雅马哈 CLP-775PE Clavinova 数码钢琴抛光乌木

    GrandTouch 键盘、精细调谐的 3 路扬声器和换能器为您带来真正三角钢琴的触感和感觉。 新的 Yamaha CFX 和 Bösendorfer ...

    原价 £2,643.00
    原价 £2,643.00 - 原价 £2,643.00
    原价 £2,643.00
    时价 £1,999.00
    £1,999.00 - £1,999.00
    时价 £1,999.00
  • Yamaha CLP-845R Clavinova Digital Piano Dark Rosewood Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Yamaha CLP-845R Clavinova Digital Piano Dark Rosewood Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,643.00
    原价 £2,643.00 - 原价 £2,643.00
    原价 £2,643.00
    时价 £1,999.00
    £1,999.00 - £1,999.00
    时价 £1,999.00

    雅马哈 CLP-775PE Clavinova 数码钢琴抛光乌木

    GrandTouch 键盘、精细调谐的 3 路扬声器和换能器为您带来真正三角钢琴的触感和感觉。 新的 Yamaha CFX 和 Bösendorfer ...

    原价 £2,643.00
    原价 £2,643.00 - 原价 £2,643.00
    原价 £2,643.00
    时价 £1,999.00
    £1,999.00 - £1,999.00
    时价 £1,999.00
  • Yamaha CLP-845WB Clavinova Digital Piano White Birch Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Yamaha CLP-845WB Clavinova Digital Piano White Birch Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,643.00
    原价 £2,643.00 - 原价 £2,643.00
    原价 £2,643.00
    时价 £1,999.00
    £1,999.00 - £1,999.00
    时价 £1,999.00

    雅马哈 CLP-775PE Clavinova 数码钢琴抛光乌木

    GrandTouch 键盘、精细调谐的 3 路扬声器和换能器为您带来真正三角钢琴的触感和感觉。 新的 Yamaha CFX 和 Bösendorfer ...

    原价 £2,643.00
    原价 £2,643.00 - 原价 £2,643.00
    原价 £2,643.00
    时价 £1,999.00
    £1,999.00 - £1,999.00
    时价 £1,999.00
  • Yamaha CLP-845WH Clavinova Digital Piano White Satin Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Yamaha CLP-845WH Clavinova Digital Piano White Satin Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,643.00
    原价 £2,643.00 - 原价 £2,643.00
    原价 £2,643.00
    时价 £1,999.00
    £1,999.00 - £1,999.00
    时价 £1,999.00

    雅马哈 CLP-775PE Clavinova 数码钢琴抛光乌木

    GrandTouch 键盘、精细调谐的 3 路扬声器和换能器为您带来真正三角钢琴的触感和感觉。 新的 Yamaha CFX 和 Bösendorfer ...

    原价 £2,643.00
    原价 £2,643.00 - 原价 £2,643.00
    原价 £2,643.00
    时价 £1,999.00
    £1,999.00 - £1,999.00
    时价 £1,999.00
  • Roland FP-90X-BK Premium Portable Piano Black Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Roland FP-90X-BK Premium Portable Piano Black Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,378.00
    原价 £2,378.00 - 原价 £2,378.00
    原价 £2,378.00
    时价 £1,999.00
    £1,999.00 - £1,999.00
    时价 £1,999.00

    Roland FP-90X-BK Premium Portable Piano Black Bundle

    Bundle contains the following 5 items:  Roland FP-90X-BK Black Piano Rola...

    原价 £2,378.00
    原价 £2,378.00 - 原价 £2,378.00
    原价 £2,378.00
    时价 £1,999.00
    £1,999.00 - £1,999.00
    时价 £1,999.00
  • Roland HP704-PE Digital Upright Piano Polished Ebony Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    Roland HP704-PE Digital Upright Piano Polished Ebony [Display Model] - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,391.00
    原价 £2,391.00 - 原价 £2,391.00
    原价 £2,391.00
    时价 £2,002.00
    £2,002.00 - £2,002.00
    时价 £2,002.00

    Roland HP704-PE 数字立式钢琴抛光乌木

    HP704 提供您期望从高级录音室钢琴获得的风格、性能和原始声音投射。凭借其时尚、精致的箱体设计,无论您在哪里演奏,这款数码钢琴都能彰显个性——一系列的饰...

    原价 £2,391.00
    原价 £2,391.00 - 原价 £2,391.00
    原价 £2,391.00
    时价 £2,002.00
    £2,002.00 - £2,002.00
    时价 £2,002.00