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成立于 1987 年意味着在 Fair Deal Music,我们对电吉他略知一二。多年来,我们为客户购买了音乐行业中最好的品牌,并且我们仍在努力尽可能扩大我们的电吉他系列。我们的大多数员工都在用 11 的放大器和耳朵在地上演奏音乐家,以发现最新趋势和最新装备。这意味着我们只库存我们的员工认为我们的客户会喜欢的东西。滚动浏览我们种类繁多的世界最佳电吉他品牌,亲眼看看。
Electric Guitars
  • Squier FSR Bullet Stratocaster HT HSS in 2-Colour Sunburst - Fair Deal Music
    Squier FSR Bullet Stratocaster HT HSS in 2-Colour Sunburst - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £239.00
    原价 £239.00 - 原价 £239.00
    原价 £239.00
    时价 £149.00
    £149.00 - £149.00
    时价 £149.00

    Squier FSR Bullet Stratocaster HT HSS 2 色渐变色

    Bullet 系列是权威的 Squier 初学者系列。 Bullet® Stratocaster® HT HSS 专为寻求实惠、时尚和多功能乐器的演奏者而...

    原价 £239.00
    原价 £239.00 - 原价 £239.00
    原价 £239.00
    时价 £149.00
    £149.00 - £149.00
    时价 £149.00
  • Squier Affinity Stratocaster HH, Laurel Fingerboard, Black Pickguard, Olympic White - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £235.00
    原价 £235.00 - 原价 £235.00
    原价 £235.00
    时价 £199.00
    £199.00 - £199.00
    时价 £199.00

    Squier Affinity Stratocaster HH,月桂树指板,黑色护板,奥林匹克白

    Squier® Affinity Series™ Stratocaster® HH 是进入历史悠久的 Fender® 家族的绝佳途径,为当今有抱负的吉...

    原价 £235.00
    原价 £235.00 - 原价 £235.00
    原价 £235.00
    时价 £199.00
    £199.00 - £199.00
    时价 £199.00
  • PRS John Mayer Silver Sky Roxy Pink - Fair Deal Music
    PRS John Mayer Silver Sky Roxy Pink - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,699.00
    原价 £2,699.00 - 原价 £2,699.00
    原价 £2,699.00
    时价 £2,199.00
    £2,199.00 - £2,199.00
    时价 £2,199.00

    PRS John Mayer Silver Sky Roxy 粉色

    在围绕他即将发行的专辑发布的宣传片中,包括官方视频和 Jimmy Kimmel Live!专辑的首支歌曲“Last Train Home”的表演。格莱美奖...

    原价 £2,699.00
    原价 £2,699.00 - 原价 £2,699.00
    原价 £2,699.00
    时价 £2,199.00
    £2,199.00 - £2,199.00
    时价 £2,199.00
  • Gretsch G2622-P90 Streamliner Center Block Double-Cut, Claret Burst - Fair Deal Music
    Gretsch G2622-P90 Streamliner Center Block Double-Cut, Claret Burst - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £539.00
    原价 £539.00 - 原价 £539.00
    原价 £539.00
    时价 £469.00
    £469.00 - £469.00
    时价 £469.00

    Gretsch G2622-P90 Streamliner Center Block 双切,紫红色爆裂

    价格实惠的 Gretsch G2622-P90 Streamliner Center Block Double-Cut P90 带有 V 型尾翼,专为三...

    原价 £539.00
    原价 £539.00 - 原价 £539.00
    原价 £539.00
    时价 £469.00
    £469.00 - £469.00
    时价 £469.00
  • Fender American Acoustasonic Jazzmaster Natural ex display - Fair Deal Music
    Fender American Acoustasonic Jazzmaster Natural ex display - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £1,879.00
    原价 £1,879.00 - 原价 £1,879.00
    原价 £1,879.00
    时价 £1,249.00
    £1,249.00 - £1,249.00
    时价 £1,249.00

    Fender Acoustasonic Jazzmaster 自然色

    Fender Acoustasonic Jazzmaster 是加入其革命性混合吉他系列的第三款型号。当 Acoustasonic Telecaster...

    原价 £1,879.00
    原价 £1,879.00 - 原价 £1,879.00
    原价 £1,879.00
    时价 £1,249.00
    £1,249.00 - £1,249.00
    时价 £1,249.00
  • Squier Classic Vibe '50s Stratocaster Black - Fair Deal Music
    Squier Classic Vibe '50s Stratocaster Black - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £349.00 - 原价 £349.00
    £349.00 - £349.00
    时价 £349.00

    Squier Classic Vibe 50 年代 Stratocaster 黑色

    回溯 Strat 在 1950 年代的诞生,Classic Vibe 50 年代 Stratocaster 以三个 Fender 设计的铝镍钴单线圈拾音器...

    原价 £349.00 - 原价 £349.00
    £349.00 - £349.00
    时价 £349.00
  • ESP Ltd KH-3 Kirk Hammett Signature Spider Black with Spider Graphic - Fair Deal Music
    ESP Ltd KH-3 Kirk Hammett Signature Spider Black with Spider Graphic - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £1,399.00
    原价 £1,399.00 - 原价 £1,399.00
    原价 £1,399.00
    时价 £1,199.00
    £1,199.00 - £1,199.00
    时价 £1,199.00

    ESP Ltd KH-3 Kirk Hammett 签名蜘蛛黑色带蜘蛛图案

    ESP 是金属和摇滚最受喜爱的吉他品牌之一。 ESP 在世界各地的舞台上演出,激发了许多迄今为止金属最重的即兴演奏! Kirk Hammett 无疑是这...

    原价 £1,399.00
    原价 £1,399.00 - 原价 £1,399.00
    原价 £1,399.00
    时价 £1,199.00
    £1,199.00 - £1,199.00
    时价 £1,199.00
  • ESP Ltd EC-1000 Gold Andromeda - Fair Deal Music
    ESP Ltd EC-1000 Gold Andromeda - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £1,329.00
    原价 £1,329.00 - 原价 £1,329.00
    原价 £1,329.00
    时价 £1,199.00
    £1,199.00 - £1,199.00
    时价 £1,199.00

    ESP Ltd EC-1000 金仙女座

    ESP 是金属和摇滚最受喜爱的吉他品牌之一。 ESP 在世界各地的舞台上演出,激发了许多迄今为止金属最重的即兴演奏! LTD Deluxe EC-100...

    原价 £1,329.00
    原价 £1,329.00 - 原价 £1,329.00
    原价 £1,329.00
    时价 £1,199.00
    £1,199.00 - £1,199.00
    时价 £1,199.00
  • ESP LTD M-HT Arctic Metal in Snow White Satin, Ex Display - Fair Deal Music
    ESP LTD M-HT Arctic Metal in Snow White Satin, Ex Display - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £1,079.00
    原价 £1,079.00 - 原价 £1,079.00
    原价 £1,079.00
    时价 £899.00
    £899.00 - £899.00
    时价 £899.00

    ESP LTD M-HT 雪白缎面北极金属

    ESP 是金属和摇滚最受喜爱的吉他品牌之一。 ESP 在世界各地的舞台上演出,激发了许多迄今为止金属最重的即兴演奏! 对于喜欢厚重的人来说,令人惊艳的雪...

    原价 £1,079.00
    原价 £1,079.00 - 原价 £1,079.00
    原价 £1,079.00
    时价 £899.00
    £899.00 - £899.00
    时价 £899.00
  • Fender James Burton Tele Blue Paisley Flames - Fair Deal Music
    Fender James Burton Tele Blue Paisley Flames - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,649.00 - 原价 £2,649.00
    原价 £2,649.00
    £2,649.00 - £2,649.00
    时价 £2,649.00

    Fender James Burton Tele 蓝色佩斯利火焰

    与其兄弟 James Burton Standard Telecaster 吉他一样,James Burton Telecaster 以令人惊叹的外观...

    原价 £2,649.00 - 原价 £2,649.00
    原价 £2,649.00
    £2,649.00 - £2,649.00
    时价 £2,649.00
  • Fender 75th Anniversary Player Stratocaster Diamond Anniversary - Fair Deal Music
    Fender 75th Anniversary Player Stratocaster Diamond Anniversary - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £889.00
    原价 £889.00 - 原价 £889.00
    原价 £889.00
    时价 £699.00
    £699.00 - £699.00
    时价 £699.00

    Fender 75 周年 Player Stratocaster Diamond Anniversary

    这款限量版 Stratocaster 是对 Fender 在其生命周期中所取得的一切非凡成就的致敬! Fender 成立 75 年来见证了一些令人难以置...

    原价 £889.00
    原价 £889.00 - 原价 £889.00
    原价 £889.00
    时价 £699.00
    £699.00 - £699.00
    时价 £699.00
  • Fender Player Stratocaster MN Capri Orange - Fair Deal Music
    Fender Player Stratocaster MN Capri Orange - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £679.00
    原价 £679.00 - 原价 £679.00
    原价 £679.00
    时价 £678.00
    £678.00 - £678.00
    时价 £678.00

    Fender Player Stratocaster MN 卡普里橙色

    Fender Player 系列是 Fender 迄今为止最激动人心的产品之一! Player 系列是 Mexican Standard 的升级版,为所有...

    原价 £679.00
    原价 £679.00 - 原价 £679.00
    原价 £679.00
    时价 £678.00
    £678.00 - £678.00
    时价 £678.00
  • Fender Johnny Marr Jaguar Olympic White - Fair Deal Music
    Fender Johnny Marr Jaguar Olympic White - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,499.00 - 原价 £2,499.00
    £2,499.00 - £2,499.00
    时价 £2,499.00

    Fender Johnny Marr Jaguar 奥林匹克白

    30 多年来,约翰尼·马尔 (Johnny Marr) 一直是英国音乐界的坚定支持者。 80 年代中期,通过与独立摇滚乐队 The Smiths 的合作...

    原价 £2,499.00 - 原价 £2,499.00
    £2,499.00 - £2,499.00
    时价 £2,499.00
  • Fender Eric Clapton Signature Stratocaster in Pewter - Fair Deal Music
    Fender Eric Clapton Signature Stratocaster in Pewter - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £2,439.00
    原价 £2,439.00 - 原价 £2,439.00
    原价 £2,439.00
    时价 £2,229.00
    £2,229.00 - £2,229.00
    时价 £2,229.00

    Fender Eric Clapton Signature Stratocaster 锡灰色

    Eric Clapton Stratocaster 一直是 Fender 最经久不衰的标志性电吉他之一。为了满足“Slowhand”本人的标准,无与伦比...

    原价 £2,439.00
    原价 £2,439.00 - 原价 £2,439.00
    原价 £2,439.00
    时价 £2,229.00
    £2,229.00 - £2,229.00
    时价 £2,229.00
  • Fender American Ultra HSS Stratocaster Texas Tea - Fair Deal Music
    Fender American Ultra HSS Stratocaster Texas Tea - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £1,941.00 - 原价 £1,941.00
    £1,941.00 - £1,941.00
    时价 £1,941.00

    Fender American Ultra HSS Stratocaster 德克萨斯茶

    American Ultra 系列让 Fender 以前所未有的方式在吉他世界中脱颖而出。 Ultra 专为满足现代吉他手的需求而设计,可确保极致的精准...

    原价 £1,941.00 - 原价 £1,941.00
    £1,941.00 - £1,941.00
    时价 £1,941.00
  • Fender American Professional II Stratocaster RW, Mercury - Fair Deal Music
    Fender American Professional II Stratocaster RW, Mercury - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £1,799.00
    原价 £1,799.00 - 原价 £1,799.00
    原价 £1,799.00
    时价 £1,699.00
    £1,699.00 - £1,699.00
    时价 £1,699.00

    Fender American Professional II Stratocaster RW,Mercury

    席卷吉他世界的是新发布的 American Professional II。 Pro II 是其亲戚 American Professional 的升级版...

    原价 £1,799.00
    原价 £1,799.00 - 原价 £1,799.00
    原价 £1,799.00
    时价 £1,699.00
    £1,699.00 - £1,699.00
    时价 £1,699.00
  • Fender American Professional II Stratocaster MN, Sienna Sunburst - Fair Deal Music
    Fender American Professional II Stratocaster MN, Sienna Sunburst - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £1,949.00
    原价 £1,949.00 - 原价 £1,949.00
    原价 £1,949.00
    时价 £1,479.00
    £1,479.00 - £1,479.00
    时价 £1,479.00

    Fender American Professional II Stratocaster MN,Sienna Sunburst

    席卷吉他世界的是新发布的 American Professional II。 Pro II 是其亲戚 American Professional 的升级版...

    原价 £1,949.00
    原价 £1,949.00 - 原价 £1,949.00
    原价 £1,949.00
    时价 £1,479.00
    £1,479.00 - £1,479.00
    时价 £1,479.00
  • Fender American Professional II Stratocaster MN, Roasted Pine - Fair Deal Music
    Fender American Professional II Stratocaster MN, Roasted Pine - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £1,629.00 - 原价 £1,629.00
    £1,629.00 - £1,629.00
    时价 £1,629.00

    Fender American Professional II Stratocaster MN,烤松木

    席卷吉他世界的是新发布的 American Professional II。 Pro II 是其亲戚 American Professional 的升级版...

    原价 £1,629.00 - 原价 £1,629.00
    £1,629.00 - £1,629.00
    时价 £1,629.00
  • PRS SE 245 Vintage Sunburst - Fair Deal Music
    PRS SE 245 Vintage Sunburst - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £799.00
    原价 £799.00 - 原价 £799.00
    原价 £799.00
    时价 £649.00
    £649.00 - £649.00
    时价 £649.00

    PRS SE 245 复古旭日纹

    具有较短的 24.5" 弦长、宽大的 Fat 琴颈轮廓和两个声音厚实的双线圈拾音器,这是一款真正的吉他主力,具有适合现场表演的输出类型。 概述: 如果是...

    原价 £799.00
    原价 £799.00 - 原价 £799.00
    原价 £799.00
    时价 £649.00
    £649.00 - £649.00
    时价 £649.00
  • PRS SE 245 Standard Electric Guitar - Tobacco Sunburst Electric Guitar - Fair Deal Music
    PRS SE 245 Standard Electric Guitar - Tobacco Sunburst Electric Guitar - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £599.00
    原价 £599.00 - 原价 £599.00
    原价 £599.00
    时价 £499.00
    £499.00 - £499.00
    时价 £499.00

    PRS SE 245 标准电吉他 - Tobacco Sunburst 电吉他

    个人退休计划 SE 245 标准电吉他,烟草色旭日饰面 PRS SE Standard 245 为 245 系列提供了一个新的经济水平,具有 Paul ...

    原价 £599.00
    原价 £599.00 - 原价 £599.00
    原价 £599.00
    时价 £499.00
    £499.00 - £499.00
    时价 £499.00
  • PRS SE Custom 24, Charcoal - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £899.00
    原价 £899.00 - 原价 £899.00
    原价 £899.00
    时价 £699.00
    £699.00 - £699.00
    时价 £699.00

    PRS 2021 SE Custom 24 木炭爆裂电吉他

    学生版定制24 使用PRS SE Custom 24 ,在这里可以看到时尚的木炭爆裂 完成后,您将获得一把学生版吉他,它具有 PRS 著名的多功能性和风...

    原价 £899.00
    原价 £899.00 - 原价 £899.00
    原价 £899.00
    时价 £699.00
    £699.00 - £699.00
    时价 £699.00
  • PRS 2021 SE Mira Vintage Cherry Black Guard - Fair Deal Music
    PRS 2021 SE Mira Vintage Cherry Black Guard - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £599.00 - 原价 £599.00
    £599.00 - £599.00
    时价 £599.00

    PRS 2021 SE Mira Vintage Cherry Black Guard

    SE Mira 是杰出的 SE 系列中的一个相对较新的成员,为有抱负的摇滚明星提供了一个价格合理且视觉效果惊人的选择。 PRS SE Mira 电...

    原价 £599.00 - 原价 £599.00
    £599.00 - £599.00
    时价 £599.00
  • PRS 2021 SE Standard 24 in Translucent Blue - Fair Deal Music
    PRS 2021 SE Standard 24 in Translucent Blue - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £599.00
    原价 £599.00 - 原价 £599.00
    原价 £599.00
    时价 £499.00
    £499.00 - £499.00
    时价 £499.00

    半透明蓝色 PRS 2021 SE Standard 24

    2021 年,PRS 凭借其最新型号真正提升了游戏水平! PRS Custom 24 是 Paul Reed Smith 在 1985 年的 NAMM ...

    原价 £599.00
    原价 £599.00 - 原价 £599.00
    原价 £599.00
    时价 £499.00
    £499.00 - £499.00
    时价 £499.00
  • Gretsch G5410T Electromatic Rat Rod Hollow Body, Single Cut Bigsby, Matte Vintage White - Fair Deal Music
    Gretsch G5410T Electromatic Rat Rod Hollow Body, Single Cut Bigsby, Matte Vintage White - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £879.00
    原价 £879.00 - 原价 £879.00
    原价 £879.00
    时价 £669.00
    £669.00 - £669.00
    时价 £669.00

    Gretsch G5410T Electromatic Rat Rod 空心体,单切 Bigsby,哑光复古白

    没有废话,Electromatic 空心琴体吉他是完美真实、纯净和强大的 Gretsch 乐器。我们带有 Bigbsy 的全新 G5410 电动“鼠杆”...

    原价 £879.00
    原价 £879.00 - 原价 £879.00
    原价 £879.00
    时价 £669.00
    £669.00 - £669.00
    时价 £669.00
  • Gretsch G5410T Electromatic Rat Rod Hollowbody Guitar Matte Phantom Metallic discontinued - Fair Deal Music
    Gretsch G5410T Electromatic Rat Rod Hollowbody Guitar Matte Phantom Metallic discontinued - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £669.00 - 原价 £669.00
    £669.00 - £669.00
    时价 £669.00

    Gretsch G5410T Electromatic Rat Rod 空心吉他哑光幻影金属

    没有废话,Electromatic 空心琴体吉他是完美真实、纯净和强大的 Gretsch 乐器。我们带有 Bigbsy 的全新 G5410 电动“鼠杆”...

    原价 £669.00 - 原价 £669.00
    £669.00 - £669.00
    时价 £669.00
  • Yamaha Pacifica PA012 Black, Bundle - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £249.00
    原价 £249.00 - 原价 £249.00
    原价 £249.00
    时价 £179.00
    £179.00 - £179.00
    时价 £179.00

    雅马哈 Pacifica PA012,黑色

    Pacifica 012 是一款物美价廉的摇滚吉他世界最佳选择。这些新的入门级型号提供了全面的规格、高品质的工艺和与其预算价格相符的音色标签。 概述: ...

    原价 £249.00
    原价 £249.00 - 原价 £249.00
    原价 £249.00
    时价 £179.00
    £179.00 - £179.00
    时价 £179.00
  • Godin Summit Classic SG, Matte Green, USED - Fair Deal Music
    Godin Summit Classic SG, Matte Green, USED - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £959.00
    原价 £959.00 - 原价 £959.00
    原价 £959.00
    时价 £899.00
    £899.00 - £899.00
    时价 £899.00

    Godin Summit 经典 SG,哑光绿,二手

    Summit Classic SG Matte Green 采用加拿大劳伦森椴木琴身和琴颈和琴桥的 Godin Custom 双线圈拾音器,以活泼而丰富...

    原价 £959.00
    原价 £959.00 - 原价 £959.00
    原价 £959.00
    时价 £899.00
    £899.00 - £899.00
    时价 £899.00
  • Fender American Professional II Telecaster MN, Butterscotch Blonde - Fair Deal Music
    Fender American Professional II Telecaster MN, Butterscotch Blonde - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £1,879.00
    原价 £1,879.00 - 原价 £1,879.00
    原价 £1,879.00
    时价 £1,749.00
    £1,749.00 - £1,749.00
    时价 £1,749.00

    Fender American Professional II Telecaster MN,奶油糖果金发女郎

    席卷吉他世界的是新发布的 American Professional II。 Pro II 是其亲戚 American Professional 的升级版...

    原价 £1,879.00
    原价 £1,879.00 - 原价 £1,879.00
    原价 £1,879.00
    时价 £1,749.00
    £1,749.00 - £1,749.00
    时价 £1,749.00
  • Fender American Professional II Telecaster MN, Roasted Pine, Ex Display - Fair Deal Music
    Fender American Professional II Telecaster MN, Roasted Pine, Ex Display - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £1,949.00
    原价 £1,949.00 - 原价 £1,949.00
    原价 £1,949.00
    时价 £1,399.00
    £1,399.00 - £1,399.00
    时价 £1,399.00

    Fender American Professional II Telecaster MN,烤松木,Ex Display

    这是一把 Ex Display 吉他,状况良好,除了拍摄的琴体侧面有一个小瑕疵。如需更多信息,请联系 Guitars@Fairdealmusic.co.u...

    原价 £1,949.00
    原价 £1,949.00 - 原价 £1,949.00
    原价 £1,949.00
    时价 £1,399.00
    £1,399.00 - £1,399.00
    时价 £1,399.00
  • Fender American Professional II Telecaster RW, Dark Night - Fair Deal Music
    Fender American Professional II Telecaster RW, Dark Night - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £1,849.00
    原价 £1,849.00 - 原价 £1,849.00
    原价 £1,849.00
    时价 £1,769.00
    £1,769.00 - £1,769.00
    时价 £1,769.00

    Fender American Professional II Telecaster RW,暗夜

    席卷吉他世界的是新发布的 American Professional II。 Pro II 是其亲戚 American Professional 的升级版...

    原价 £1,849.00
    原价 £1,849.00 - 原价 £1,849.00
    原价 £1,849.00
    时价 £1,769.00
    £1,769.00 - £1,769.00
    时价 £1,769.00
  • Fender American Professional II Stratocaster MN, Olympic White - Fair Deal Music
    Fender American Professional II Stratocaster MN, Olympic White - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £0.00 - 原价 £0.00
    原价 £0.00
    £1,499.00 - £1,499.00
    时价 £1,499.00

    Fender American Professional II Stratocaster MN,奥林匹克白

    席卷吉他世界的是新发布的 American Professional II。 Pro II 是其亲戚 American Professional 的升级...

    原价 £0.00 - 原价 £0.00
    原价 £0.00
    £1,499.00 - £1,499.00
    时价 £1,499.00
  • Vintage V100 ICON Electric Guitar ~ Distressed Cherry Sunburst - Fair Deal Music
    Vintage V100 ICON Electric Guitar ~ Distressed Cherry Sunburst - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £499.00
    原价 £499.00 - 原价 £499.00
    原价 £499.00
    时价 £369.00
    £369.00 - £369.00
    时价 £369.00

    复古 V100 图标电吉他做旧,樱桃旭日形

    状况:已打开 – 从未使用过 Vintage ICON 系列电吉他采用纯正音色木材、耐用、做旧的 Wilkinson 硬件和正宗配方拾音器制成,充满个性、...

    原价 £499.00
    原价 £499.00 - 原价 £499.00
    原价 £499.00
    时价 £369.00
    £369.00 - £369.00
    时价 £369.00
  • Squier Mini Jazzmaster HH Maple Neck, Surf Green - Fair Deal Music
    Squier Mini Jazzmaster HH Maple Neck, Surf Green - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £149.00
    原价 £149.00 - 原价 £149.00
    原价 £149.00
    时价 £139.00
    £139.00 - £139.00
    时价 £139.00

    Squier Mini Jazzmaster HH 枫木琴颈,冲浪绿

    Squier Mini Jazzmaster HH 是寻求具有经典造型和熟悉的 Fender 音色的缩小尺寸乐器的演奏者的完美伴侣! 亮点包括纤薄轻便的琴...

    原价 £149.00
    原价 £149.00 - 原价 £149.00
    原价 £149.00
    时价 £139.00
    £139.00 - £139.00
    时价 £139.00
  • Squier Classic Vibe '60s Telecaster Thinline Maple Neck, Natural - Fair Deal Music
    Squier Classic Vibe '60s Telecaster Thinline Maple Neck, Natural - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £339.00 - 原价 £339.00
    原价 £339.00
    £339.00 - £339.00
    时价 £339.00

    Squier Classic Vibe 60 年代 Telecaster 细线枫木琴颈,自然色

    Classic Vibe 60 年代 Telecaster Thinline 是对 1960 年代早期半空心 Tele 型号的致敬,由 Fender 设计...

    原价 £339.00 - 原价 £339.00
    原价 £339.00
    £339.00 - £339.00
    时价 £339.00
  • Cort CR50 Black - Fair Deal Music
    Cort CR50 Black - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £199.00
    原价 £199.00 - 原价 £199.00
    原价 £199.00
    时价 £149.00
    £149.00 - £149.00
    时价 £149.00

    Cort CR50 黑色

    Cort 在吉他行业迅速崛起,以制造物超所值的乐器而闻名! CR(经典摇滚)系列是吉他手的最爱,同时它以低廉的价格为您提供 Les Paul 外观! 得...

    原价 £199.00
    原价 £199.00 - 原价 £199.00
    原价 £199.00
    时价 £149.00
    £149.00 - £149.00
    时价 £149.00
  • Fender American Ultra Telecaster Mocha Burst - Fair Deal Music
    Fender American Ultra Telecaster Mocha Burst - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £0.00 - 原价 £0.00
    原价 £0.00
    £1,849.00 - £1,849.00
    时价 £1,849.00

    Fender American Ultra Telecaster Mocha Burst

    American Ultra 系列让 Fender 以前所未有的方式在吉他世界中脱颖而出。 Ultra 专为满足现代吉他手的需求而设计,可确保极致的精准...

    原价 £0.00 - 原价 £0.00
    原价 £0.00
    £1,849.00 - £1,849.00
    时价 £1,849.00
  • PRS SE Custom 22 Vintage Sunburst Electric Guitar - Fair Deal Music
    PRS SE Custom 22 Vintage Sunburst Electric Guitar - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £899.00
    原价 £899.00 - 原价 £899.00
    原价 £899.00
    时价 £699.00
    £699.00 - £699.00
    时价 £699.00

    PRS SE Custom 22 复古森伯斯特电吉他

    PRS SE Custom 22 为传统的 Custom 平台增添了更复古的色调和感觉。这把吉他具有明显的中音和清晰度,提供甜美、饱满的音调基础,使其可...

    原价 £899.00
    原价 £899.00 - 原价 £899.00
    原价 £899.00
    时价 £699.00
    £699.00 - £699.00
    时价 £699.00
  • Gretsch G5422G-12 Electromatic Hollow Body 12 String Black Electric Guitar - Fair Deal Music
    Gretsch G5422G-12 Electromatic Hollow Body 12 String Black Electric Guitar - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £1,099.00
    原价 £1,099.00 - 原价 £1,099.00
    原价 £1,099.00
    时价 £849.00
    £849.00 - £849.00
    时价 £849.00

    Gretsch G5422G-12 Electromatic 空心琴身 12 弦黑色电吉他

    Gretsch G5422G-12 Electromatic 空心琴身 12 弦黑色电吉他 Gretsch G5422G-12 Electromatic ...

    原价 £1,099.00
    原价 £1,099.00 - 原价 £1,099.00
    原价 £1,099.00
    时价 £849.00
    £849.00 - £849.00
    时价 £849.00
  • EVH Tribute Striped Guitar in Black & Yellow w/ Floyd Rose Electric Guitar, Ex Display - Fair Deal Music
    原价 £1,149.00
    原价 £1,149.00 - 原价 £1,149.00
    原价 £1,149.00
    时价 £799.00
    £799.00 - £799.00
    时价 £799.00

    EVH Tribute 条纹吉他黑色和黄色带 Floyd Rose 电吉他 Ex 展示

    EVH Tribute 条纹吉他黑色和黄色带 Floyd Rose 电吉他 Ex 展示状况良好,只是缺少摇臂EVH 条纹吉他在墨西哥以高标准制造。 EVH...

    原价 £1,149.00
    原价 £1,149.00 - 原价 £1,149.00
    原价 £1,149.00
    时价 £799.00
    £799.00 - £799.00
    时价 £799.00