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Most guitarists/bassists prefer to set the DOD Compressor 280 near the beginn...
查看完整细节The DOD Digital Delay DFX9 is a compact, versatile delay pedal from the 1980s...
查看完整细节The 440 has every quack, squee, squonk, chicka, mwomp, and weeeooow you could...
查看完整细节The DOD Flanger 670 is a vintage analogue flanger pedal that delivers classic...
查看完整细节The DOD Gonkulator combines an adjustable carrier signal with a redesigned di...
查看完整细节The Gunslinger pedal features strong MosFET distortion that will transform yo...
查看完整细节Enter a New World of Overdrive by Passing Through the Looking Glass.With a se...
查看完整细节The Meatbox is more than simply an octaver; it's also a thick-cut subharmonic...
查看完整细节The classic returns, first designed in the 1970s by David Oreste Defrancesco ...
查看完整细节The 201 Phaser adds a 2-stage subtle phasing effect that works well with both...
查看完整细节With its cool new double-wide chassis, the new DOD Rubberneck Analog Delay bo...
查看完整细节The DOD Stereo Flanger FX75 is a versatile modulation pedal from the 1980s an...
查看完整细节The Donner Green Land is a versatile dual overdrive pedal that combines two d...
查看完整细节提供与全尺寸 105Q 相同的声音和功能,这款迷你版尺寸只有一半,铝制外壳更轻。经过优化以保持强大、坚实的基础,同时像它的哥哥一样使填充和独奏变得甜美,但...
查看完整细节提供与全尺寸 105Q 相同的声音和功能,这款迷你版尺寸只有一半,铝制外壳更轻。经过优化以保持强大、坚实的基础,同时像它的哥哥一样使填充和独奏变得甜美,但...
查看完整细节这款 Cry Baby Wah 包含三种不同的哇音,可满足您的大部分音调需求。 不要让它的小尺寸欺骗您,CBM95 Cry Baby Mini Wah 不...
查看完整细节这是一个状况良好的 Ex 展示单元,除了在没有原始包装的情况下出售。如需更多信息,请通过 或致电 ...
查看完整细节贝斯手为贝斯手设计的第一款哇音踏板。 105Q 结合了专有的电位器和专门针对低音频率优化的定制 EQ 电路。 Cry Baby Bass Wah 仅将哇音...
查看完整细节Jim Dunlop DVP3 Volume X 吉他踏板可让您创造出令人难以置信的平滑音量膨胀或控制效果踏板参数。坚固的铝制底盘具有坚固的防滑胎面,并配...
查看完整细节DVP5 旨在让您的踏板保持轻便和流线型。更大、更笨重的音量踏板会占用电路板空间并重达一吨。这里的情况并非如此,因为 DVP5 仅八英寸长就可以满足所有要...
查看完整细节Echoplex Delay 提供传奇的 Echoplex EP-3 温暖、有机的调制,具有 750 毫秒的延迟时间和一个 Age 控制来塑造您重复的声音...
查看完整细节The Dunlop GCB65 Cry Baby Custom Badass Dual Inductor Wah is a versatile and ...
查看完整细节Halo Inductor 产生以英国布鲁斯传奇而闻名的令人振奋的音调,宽阔、极富表现力的扫频和暗示反馈的沙哑中音。选择 Halo Inductor ...
查看完整细节有史以来第一个标志性的 Cry Baby Bass Wah 专门设计用于保留低端频率,同时允许激进的中音切入混音。 概述: Geezer Butle...
查看完整细节The Jimi Hendrix Band of Gypsys Fuzz is based on a mysterious Fuzz Face Disto...
查看完整细节Dunlop 的新品,Jimi Hendrix Gypsy Fuz 踏板在一个小巧的 Phase 90 尺寸外壳中为您提供 Jimi 独特而激进的 Ban...
查看完整细节Kirk Hammett 与传奇的 Cry Baby 哇音踏板联系在一起,在他与 Metallica 四十年的职业生涯中广泛使用它。 Jim Dunlop...
查看完整细节Get the exact same aggressive and expressive wah that Tom Morello has used th...
查看完整细节Eden AstroFlange 镶边踏板专为低音而设计。它产生强烈定义的镶边效果,并允许您拨入(或拨出)受影响的频率。 概述 Velocity 和 A...
查看完整细节The Eden AstroFlange flanger pedal has been designed specifically for bass. ...
查看完整细节The original EDEN PEDL-70001 footswitch; a 2-Way footswitch with Mute & E...
查看完整细节The Electro-Harmonix Doctor Q Nano is a compact and powerful envelope filter ...
查看完整细节The Electro-Harmonix Grand Canyon Delay Looper Pedal is a versatile and power...
查看完整细节The Electro-Harmonix Oceans 11 is a versatile and compact reverb pedal that p...
查看完整细节The Electro-Harmonix Pulsar is a versatile analogue tremolo pedal that delive...
查看完整细节The Ernie Ball EB 6166 Volume Pedal is a full-size mono volume pedal designed...