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The ToadWorks Matt Buster's Death Rattle is a versatile and dynamic overdrive...
查看完整细节The Tone City Angel Wing Chorus is a compact, versatile chorus pedal that del...
查看完整细节继 1 SPOT Pro CS7 和 CS12 取得巨大成功之后,Truetone 推出了同类产品中最强大的超薄电源,即 1 SPOT Pro CS6。利...
查看完整细节The Universal Audio Brigade is a meticulously crafted analog-style bucket-bri...
查看完整细节The Valeton GP-200JR is a compact yet powerful multi-effects processor design...
查看完整细节The Visual Sound Route 66 V3 is a versatile and compact dual effects pedal th...
查看完整细节Pedal Power 2 PLUS 做得很好,因为任何不足都会损害踏板的性能。全世界的玩家都在升级到 Pedal Power 2 PLUS,因为它可以提...
查看完整细节Pedal Power 2 PLUS 做得很好,因为任何不足都会损害踏板的性能。全世界的玩家都在升级到 Pedal Power 2 PLUS,因为它可以提...
查看完整细节The Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2 Plus is a robust and dependable multi-power sup...
查看完整细节The Vox CT03BT Cooltron Brit Boost is a versatile and dynamic boost pedal tha...
查看完整细节The Vox Lil' Looper is a compact and versatile looping pedal that combines ea...
查看完整细节Designed especially for use with the Vox Valvetronix AD, Pathfinder, and Camb...
查看完整细节**Walrus Audio Slo-Tra Big Bend: Unveiling the Euphoric Fusion of Reverb and ...
查看完整细节The Walrus Audio Warhorn/Ages is a dual-overdrive pedal that combines the dyn...
查看完整细节The Wampler Slostortion is a high-gain distortion pedal designed to capture t...
查看完整细节The Wampler Sovereign Distortion pedal is a premium effects unit designed for...
查看完整细节The Wampler Tumnus is a compact, highly responsive overdrive pedal designed t...
查看完整细节Echo-Puss 模拟延迟 WHE702S Way Huge Echo-Puss 由延迟专家 Jeorge Tripps 设计,专为需要有机模拟延迟踏板...
查看完整细节Green Rhino Overdrive Mark IV 在其强大的冲锋背后拥有比以往任何时候都更大的力量,具有原版的音量、音调和驱动控制以及 MKI...
查看完整细节绝对的方式巨大的动物寓言! Purple Platypus Octidrive MkII 结合了 Red Llama 过载的粗犷、黄油音色和放大器破坏增...
查看完整细节Aqua-Puss 是一款小型、紧凑的真正模拟延迟 Way Huge 创始人兼首席炼金术士 Jeorge Tripps!在 Line 6 领导各种项目后...
查看完整细节Supa-Lead Overdrive 旨在从干净或稍微脏的放大器中获得类似放大器的嘎吱声,产生具有丰富输出音量的集中中音研磨,让您的放大器超越边缘。 ...
查看完整细节独特的 Way Huge Saucy Box 设计提供了从单位增益缓冲到直接干净提升,一直到俏皮、奶油般的过载的一切。将它与专为与任何拾音器类型完美搭配而...
查看完整细节The Weber MicroMass is a compact, high-quality attenuator designed to let you...
查看完整细节The Xotic SL Drive is a versatile overdrive pedal that captures the rich, cla...
查看完整细节The Zenta Exciter Wah Siren is a fascinating and rare effects unit from the v...